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Entries in entertaining (1)


Entertaining at home: Try a tasting party for spring gatherings  

A tasting party spread with serving pieces from Pier 1 ImportsIf you’re the mom who hosts the annual Easter Egg Hunt, consider putting a new spin on the fun by making it a spring party both parents and kids will enjoy.

We love this Easter-friendly tasting party spread, among the great entertaining ideas that can be found in The Idea Room at Every host has worried about how much food to buy or make for a get-together, and the tasting party concept relieves some of that pressure by divvying each dish into small-portion servings. Here, the goal is to offer abundance in the exciting variety of dishes rather than in heaping portions (a concept that’s appealing for anyone counting the weeks until swimsuit season.  Stretching out a meal with bites of food also can mean eating less.).

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