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« March - April 2014 Word Scramble Puzzle | Main | November - December word scramble puzzle »

January - February 2014 word scramble puzzles

Mixed Messages


Unscramble the words below to reveal two quotes and the name of their author, a

country singer-turned sausage mogul.


yrt uroy culk ta taels cnoe a ayd suabece uoy locdu eb nogig odarun

cyulk lal yda dna ont neev nokw ti


I ctan ehngac eth cindertio fo het wdin utb I anc tajsud ym lissa ot

salyaw chare ym nesotiditan




Try your luck at least once a day because you could be going around lucky

all day and not even know it.


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always

reach my destination.


~  Jimmy Dean, singer and sausage mogul


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